Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stepping Out of the Boat

When you are distinctly called by God, you can do nothing but follow Him.  Nothing else will satisfy, except to follow Him with what He is pressing on your heart.  But getting to that point is the hardest part.  I am currently in Kona Hawaii at University of the Nations.  This University is affiliated with YWAM,  (Youth With A Mission) that began over 50 years ago, distinctly from the voice of God.  YWAM is more than just about missions.  It is about nations and cultures that come together through the passion of Jesus.  Through schooling the students learn to truly know and seek God and to make Him known to all the ends of the world. 

I just recently felt this calling on my life.  My deep faith is something fairly new to me and it has been an eventful past few years.  I first felt this pull to live differently my last year of college.  My life from the outside appeared to be very successful and accomplished to any eye.  I was about to graduate from pharmacy school and was ensured a six figure income right off.  I began to pursue the entertainment world and was selected for a part in a movie with famous actors.  I was on a semi-pro football dance team in which I was busy doing promotions and perusing my passion of dance.  And in the midst of all these great things of conquering the world, I was still not satisfied.  In fact I was even more lost and uneasy about the future and my purpose than ever.  That is when I remembered my faith.  I would have said I was a Christian my entire life but with what God was about to reveal to me, I can honestly say that I had no idea what being a Christian was.  As I began going to church again, suddenly everything became so real.  The bible became real.  The words from the pages were true words from God, our Father, who created us, the meaning of why we are living.  I then thought if I truly believed what I say I do and it is the meaning of life and why we are on earth… that’s huge!  It was all or nothing for me.  If I truly believed, I am going to whole heartedly give my all. 

Just a few weeks ago I committed to giving it my all.  I gave up my job, left my friends and family and finally listened to the pulling on my heart to completely pursue Jesus.  Hawaii was a very special place for me.  Just about a year ago I was on Oahu’ for pharmacy rotations and that is where my eyes were truly opened up to Gods boundless presence.  Now, here I am once again in Hawaii, on the Big Island in Kona.  I am currently in the lecture phase of my discipleship school which lasts three months and then I will be going on an outreach to a different country for three months.  And I have never been more stoked and excited to live life than in these moments now!  It is all because I shed off any bit of discomfort and took a leap of faith into something that I knew was the first step in discovering my calling. 

Matthew 14:29-31
So He said, “Come,” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.  But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”  And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Have faith.  Take a chance.  Step out of the boat, walk towards Him, you can walk on water too.

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