Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Physical and Heavenly Realm

There are two realms, the physical realm in which we have our senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, and then there is the unseen realm or the heavenly realm.  In a sense the unseen realm is more real than the physical because it was there before.  Therefore do not be fooled and act/respond by only what you see and your five senses tell you.  Choose to live in and be a part of the unseen realm now.  Because if you only live in the physical and are ignorant of the unseen it can cause so much difficulty, ruin and hardship in your life.  The world is a tough place to live.  There is so much more than just what we see.   Just like the wind.  You cant see it or its source, but you see its affects.  We were created for heaven.  To dwell with Him for eternity.  God created us for relationship with Him.   

Our lives, what we see, are influenced and affected by what is going on in the unseen.  What is going on in the unseen realm presents itself and manifests itself in the physical.  God formed the universe with a spoken word.  When He spoke the world came into existence.  Can you even imagine the power of the words?  We are made in His image; our words have the same power; He gave us that authority.  In the words we speak we create or destroy.  We have the power to create – the environment, atmosphere, others attitudes, when we speak things are shifted in the unseen.  Things move and are changed.  And the words from your mouth will either be as a blessing or a curse.  There is no grey, there is not in between.  Just like living for what you believe.  It’s all or nothing.

A few weeks ago we went to the city Carmen.  There is a large town center area with a stage, it is like a festival that is never ending.  A local pastor asked if we would do open air evangelism there.  Which was crazy to me that we even had the freedom to do it.  I gave my testimony along with some others and we did the ‘Everything’ skit (youtube it if you haven’t seen it), our normal routine.  A large crowd gathered.  Zion then proclaimed that if anyone had any questions, if anyone was in need of prayer or just wanted to talk with us they are invited to do so.  Many people stayed for prayer.  We encouraged, edified, championed those who came up.  David was especially anointed this day.  A man came up to him who had cysts in his ears.  He has had pain for years and was unable to hear clearly.  David put his hands over the mans ears and began to pray for him, not only for God to give him new ears but also to renew his heart, to heal spiritually as well as the physical.  The man didn’t speak much English and another person was in line right behind him.  The man was lingering around so David asked if he could pray for him again, there was a person who spoke fluent English and Bisaya that interpreted for the man.  The man responded “No I don’t need any more prayer.  I have no pain! My ears are clear.”  David was in shock, as well as the rest of us.  A man with glaucoma then came up.  His eyes were cloudy and he was unable to see well.  Hands were placed over his eyes and prayers poured out.  When the hands were removed, as the man blinked away the tears he cried you could physically see the difference.  His eyes were completely clear.  He could see.

The spoken word has power.  Prayer has power.  Things change and shift.  And it is not the precise words that are spoken and the eloquence of your speech, but it is the heart behind it and the heart condition of the receiver.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Team Phil

My amazing family.
Backrow - Alex:New Jersey, Eric:S. Korea, Esther K:Cali, Esther S:Brazil
David:Oregon, Johanna:Germany, Rayelle:Wisconsin, Jess:England
Front row - Me, Jamie (On the NY/LA team now), Zion:Canada, Jen:Arizona 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Doors are Opening

The days have been busy and our entire trip is basically planned out.  But it is not the busyness that I am use to.  Its not like work at all.  It just feels like life.  This outreach is unlike any other DTS outreach.  Other University of the Nation schools from Kona have already came here and paved the way for us.  Since we arrived there have been multiple churches and pastors wanting us to come speak, give testimonies, sermons etc. at their churches.  Normally in a DTS outreach (since it is a primary school) the students mainly do mercy ministries like building houses, and helping the poor.  We will be doing this as well but since our arrival was expected in the community there have been many offers of so much more just in the first week.

Last Thursday our team was invited to the capital of Davao del Norte.  It was the annual recognition of the 44th birthday of the city.  The governor of the city invited us to come and share what we are doing in the community.  We arrived and were treated like royalty from the moment we stepped in.  A finely dressed woman came up to me and I commented on her beautiful outfit.  Immediately she pulled me to the side and asked if I would like to wear her authentic Filipina dress that she brought as another choice to wear to the event.  How could I deny this offer!  She took my into the bathroom, and played dress up with me, accessorized me, and even did my hair.  The most well respected and known people in the community were at this event and we were able to share our vision for our time in the Philippines.  Needless to say the response we got was so welcoming and they were excited.

Tomorrow three others and myself will be going to a radio station that has tv broadcasting along with it.  We will be sharing our testimonies on air and Eric will sing songs in English and Korean.  The head pastor that usually speaks on the show asked if I could prepare a dance for live tv.  It’s crazy how many opportunities are opening up for us.  The people are hungry.

We want to start a revival.  And it begins in the church, those who already believe but are not living it out to the fullest.  Last Saturday we were invited to the United Methodist Church, we had an hour time slot to present whatever we would like.  Jess and Eric gave their testimonies and we performed the “Everything” Skit (Youtube it – so powerful).  After the skit I felt led to be the one to explain the skit and to share about my life.  My point was how the world would never satisfy and only Jesus satisfies.  I told them about everything I had perused in my life and no matter how much of myself I gave I always came out empty – success with my career, a huge passion of mine for dancing and being on dance teams, perusing an acting career and meeting celebrities, friends, relationships… etc etc.  It wasn’t until in the midst of meeting all the goals I pursued that I realized everything is nothing and He is everything.

Last Sunday was my favorite day.  We took a two hour bus ride (air conditioned) through the country, to Costello Valley Church.  I have never seen such beautiful scenery in my entire life.  The head pastor (Pastor Paul) of this church is a very wealthy man and he asked one of our members to give a sermon.  Rayelle rocked it, talking about the dreams that God has for your life.  Destiny is not of chance but choice.  Chose the path He created for you.   After the service Pastor Paul invited us to his Spanish/Filipino style, beautiful home where he prepared an amazing meal for us.

On Monday Pastor Santos asked us if we would come to the Davao del Norte Police station as guests to share our testimonies.  There is a church on the base that he speaks at every Monday.  Only four of us were to go and it was thought that only guys should go just for safety reasons if we were going to do any prison ministry.  It turns out they did want a girl to come and so I was selected.  We arrived at the station as guests of honor.  Monday mornings they have an all base meeting.  We were ushered on the stage for the meeting where we were with the Cornel, pastor, the very wealthy, highest ranking officers of the city and all the other elite officers stood at attention by the Philippines flag below.  Wow, and I thought we were going to talk to prisoners through their cell bars.  It turns out the prison isn’t even on the base but only the military officials.  We were to minister to the military that runs the city.  First doors opened to create a relationship with the governor and now the military.  Pretty amazing.

On top of all of this it is so amazing getting to know each person on my team so well.  I love them each individually so much!  We have 6 different nations represented on our team.  They are truly like family to me and already I don’t even want to think about the day when we won’t be able to just walk across the hall to each other.  Relationship is everything.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Drink From What Will Truly Satisfy

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.  Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?  Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.  Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live.  I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

Isaiah 55:1-3