There are two realms, the physical realm in which we have our senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, and then there is the unseen realm or the heavenly realm. In a sense the unseen realm is more real than the physical because it was there before. Therefore do not be fooled and act/respond by only what you see and your five senses tell you. Choose to live in and be a part of the unseen realm now. Because if you only live in the physical and are ignorant of the unseen it can cause so much difficulty, ruin and hardship in your life. The world is a tough place to live. There is so much more than just what we see. Just like the wind. You cant see it or its source, but you see its affects. We were created for heaven. To dwell with Him for eternity. God created us for relationship with Him.
Our lives, what we see, are influenced and affected by what is going on in the unseen. What is going on in the unseen realm presents itself and manifests itself in the physical. God formed the universe with a spoken word. When He spoke the world came into existence. Can you even imagine the power of the words? We are made in His image; our words have the same power; He gave us that authority. In the words we speak we create or destroy. We have the power to create – the environment, atmosphere, others attitudes, when we speak things are shifted in the unseen. Things move and are changed. And the words from your mouth will either be as a blessing or a curse. There is no grey, there is not in between. Just like living for what you believe. It’s all or nothing.
A few weeks ago we went to the city Carmen. There is a large town center area with a stage, it is like a festival that is never ending. A local pastor asked if we would do open air evangelism there. Which was crazy to me that we even had the freedom to do it. I gave my testimony along with some others and we did the ‘Everything’ skit (youtube it if you haven’t seen it), our normal routine. A large crowd gathered. Zion then proclaimed that if anyone had any questions, if anyone was in need of prayer or just wanted to talk with us they are invited to do so. Many people stayed for prayer. We encouraged, edified, championed those who came up. David was especially anointed this day. A man came up to him who had cysts in his ears. He has had pain for years and was unable to hear clearly. David put his hands over the mans ears and began to pray for him, not only for God to give him new ears but also to renew his heart, to heal spiritually as well as the physical. The man didn’t speak much English and another person was in line right behind him. The man was lingering around so David asked if he could pray for him again, there was a person who spoke fluent English and Bisaya that interpreted for the man. The man responded “No I don’t need any more prayer. I have no pain! My ears are clear.” David was in shock, as well as the rest of us. A man with glaucoma then came up. His eyes were cloudy and he was unable to see well. Hands were placed over his eyes and prayers poured out. When the hands were removed, as the man blinked away the tears he cried you could physically see the difference. His eyes were completely clear. He could see.
The spoken word has power. Prayer has power. Things change and shift. And it is not the precise words that are spoken and the eloquence of your speech, but it is the heart behind it and the heart condition of the receiver.